The earliest member of my 2024 playlist; this samples master reeled me in with sounds like the pink panther theme theme, old kung fu movies, horn arrangements from the 50s, acid jazz from the 90s, and Blaxploitation film soundtracks.
Tom was on my Almost list in 2022 and the algorithms keep him moving in my playlists. There are three volumes here. I got hooked to Volume 1 and discovered the others later. If we are technical these were released at the end of 2023, but we are going to call them 2024.
There are tons of mixtape masters out there, and if we were still slinging tapes in the shop in the late 90’s I would have found the hook up for this guy. His releases since the ones I have here include a Wu-Tang/Beatles Magical Mystery Tour mash up called Enter The Magical Mystery Chambers, an MF Doom Remix extravaganza, a Wu-Tang/Jimi Hendrix collection, amongst many others worth your time at his Bandcamp
His Bandcamp feels like going to a record store and finding hidden gem after hidden gem, but the online version.
Dig it.