Leonard Simpson Duo – LSD
Definitely the album cover of the year, Leonard Simpson Duo open things up with a Dr. Dre’esque intro beat and we are off and running. MC Guilty Simpson from Detroit duos up with New Zealand producer, Leonard Charles and we have ourselves a gem
The 70’s R&B inspired beats and music captured me from the start.
Guilty is Guru sounding, and has a Guru level of flow. I know it is high praise to be Gurufying Guilty Simpson, but his voice is it. As it says in this Pitchfork review
Guilty Simpson is the kind of rapper traditionalists love—weathered as old boots, lyrically focused, incapable of tethering himself to any fashionable sound
I actually think if I was still running the old record store I would tell fans of Guru’s Jazzmatazz records, this record is for them. Guru dropped a few records collaborating with historic jazz musicians. If you aren’t familiar with Guru sample this.
When it comes to this LSD record, think if Earl Sweatshirt’s music was a little less abstract and a bit more approachable. We have something like that here. Musically speaking LSD is my favorite rap album of the year.